Portrait photography of Giuseppe Loguercio aka “Pippo”, a local celebrity in Udine. Owner of the most known Pizzeria in town, he’s also president of the local headquarters of “Accademia del Peperoncino”, an association with the aim of spreading the spicy peppers culture and knowledge. Pippo has an explosive and friendly character and it’s always a pleasure to have a chat with him about the infinite ways you can use and cook peppers. I was there eating a pizza with my fellow and colleague photographer Andrea Bressanutti when Pippo revealed to us that he grows personally all the peppers served at his restaurant, directly in the secret backyard of the place. Being us also spicy freaks, we immediately asked for a visited tour of his hidden garden of delights, and luckily it was harvesting time. In this spicy garden packed with all existing varieties of peppers from all over the world, we felt like kids in their own playground. With his usual passion and enthusiasm, Pippo spoke like a river for an hour or so telling us everything about peppers, from growing to conservating, techniques, and tricks he mastered over a lifetime experience. The pictures you see here are a selection of the few ones we took during that short but hot visit.